The stats helper monkeys at mulled over how this blog did in 2010, and here’s a high level summary of its overall blog health:

Healthy blog!

The Blog-Health-o-Meter™ reads This blog is on fire!.

Crunchy numbers

Featured image

A Boeing 747-400 passenger jet can hold 416 passengers. This blog was viewed about 2,200 times in 2010. That’s about 5 full 747s.

In 2010, there were 30 new posts, not bad for the first year! There were 46 pictures uploaded, taking up a total of 22mb. That’s about 4 pictures per month.

The busiest day of the year was February 14th with 137 views. The most popular post that day was Finally a site to go with the pictures – and the 1st post is….

Where did they come from?

The top referring sites in 2010 were,,,, and

Some visitors came searching, mostly for subway douchebag, subwaydbags, douche ny subway, subway douches, and subway douche.

Attractions in 2010

These are the posts and pages that got the most views in 2010.


Finally a site to go with the pictures – and the 1st post is… February 2010


Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you “The Hungry Butt” July 2010


About February 2010
1 comment


My space is more important than your space March 2010


Pimple Pickin’ February 2010

I am going to assume that the bulkiness of his clothes was causing some sort of delirium. How is this okay? In who’s mind does taking up 3 seats seem like a pretty okay thing to do? This douche is using his cunning ‘sleep technique’ to avoid people asking him to move his legs and feet. I have to respect his extension.

Are those actual pants?

Thanks for JF for the awesome pic! Keep ’em coming.

wait 'till next year...

Forget for a moment that this fella is a huge Mets fan – he was discarding some sort of trash item in the seat next to him while he sat spread-eagle in the center seat.  I am posting this in honor of Minaya being finally ousted as GM.  I have to respect this guy a little bit for tucking in his jersey into jean shorts and wearing a fanny pack.  Good on ya!

Really? Here? Now?

I’m not quite sure where this falls. It’s certainly douchebag behavior if we’re calling a spade a spade but I find it somewhat baffling that she would think this was okay. Perhaps she can’t smell it anymore kinda like how hippies can’t smell their own BO? 😉

Not only is this Douche rocking some sexy Joe Boxer briefs, he has also done the service of tucking in his shirt right into his drawers and hiked them up so high, I can only assume that his count is low (if you know what I mean).  To cap it all off, he’s been kind enough to grab the pole that many might use as a stabilizer during the train ride, with his ass.  Thank you, Douche!


 I’ve seen worse, but this dbag has got style points in his favor.

There, there,

Knowing how to be comfortable in a two person seat is a fine art.  This douche is working very hard on his art and plans to make sure we view the entire process.  Epic might be the word to describe his struggle. 

Avert your eyes from the blinding subway lights...

Finally comfortable...

Picture if you will this fine gentleman douche in front of these N Train doors from at least 14th Street Union Square through at least 59th Street in Brooklyn.  All-the-while encouraging entering and departing passengers with “Go ahead.  Go ahead.”  Sir, how am I to ‘go ahead’ when there you are blocking my path.  And while we’re at it, WTF is in all those boxes that you must be transporting during the 6:00pm rush???  Dick-move…

By the way, what’s in the orange bag?

*thanks to Rosi for the submission*

Unless you’re a tiny baby, there is no way you’re going to fit in this seat with Stretch McSpread.  There are times when I will actually squeeze in there with douches of this caliber.  This was not one of those times since I had myself a really nice little seat of my own.

An new and douchey way to hold your bag

I can appreciate his flexibility.  Who could argue with holding a back with your feet in this position with workboots on!?  He had a friend standing nearby – they had a pleasant, low-key conversation.  Then his friend sat down next to him;

I want to say douche 1 looks beaten by douche 2

The battle of douchery had begun.  Sadly, one of the douches went to sleep.  Damn.

Thank you, sir, for letting me photograph you in your breakfast nook.  It’s a rarity that I am allowed into someone’s home…oh wait…this isn’t your home…it’s the freakin’ subway!  I normally don’t really care about eating on the train (unless it’s fast food or stinky fish), but this guy brought new heft to to term ‘crumbelievable’. 

Has this guy not heard of the fold?  Sometimes you get the pleasure of watching someone for multiple stops and they knock out multiple infractions of the dbag code.  This guy was amazing.